Major problems in society


                        DEV BHOOMI                





SUBMITTED To: - Mr. Om Prakash


ERP ID : 22BAECO0003




Social problems

 The condition, behaviour and activities that have negative effect on a large number of people. Basically, it refers to the social condition that disrupt or damage society such as- crime, racism, pollution, discrimination and communalism etc. Social problems are created by society that hams a group of people in the society. People are the enemy of people; they cannot be happy in their happiness. One society try to dominant another, one-person dominant other person and while doing these things they feel pleasure. This negative behaviour impact on other people and create a social problem for the group of people.


1. Female infanticide 

2. Gender gap

 3. Corruption

 4. Rape

 5. Povert



 Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girl inside the mother womb or after birth due to the preference of male babies. It describes the value and gender selective society. The selection of male boy over female over the decades causes a sex ratio imbalance in many countries, especially in India. Sex selective abortion, killing the female infant upon birth using the methods such as feeding the infant poisoned milk, smothering and drowning the child into the vessel full of milk and water. Fact about female infanticide (according to the global study on female infanticide published on 2018 by Asian centre for human rights) ➢ A report released by United Nations Population Fund UNPF) in 2020, nearly 45.8 million girls were missing in India due to pre- and post-birth selection practices.

 ➢ The sex ratio of India is 108.18 males per 100 females in 2020. Due to the gender inequality. 

➢ As per the abortion report more than 2000 abortions are performed specifically to terminate female foetuses.

 The root causes of female infanticide in society • A strong cultural and traditional preference for sons over daughters: priority complex of the society for males. Family lineage. • Gender earning power: males are physically stronger than females and having higher earning power and able to provide for the family. These mentalities of society still affect the birth of females. • Old age supporter: males are the secure supporter of their parents age a very old age while females get married and do not support their parents as like male can do. • Dowry: Major cause of female infanticide in society is dowry, because poor parents cannot afford the demand of dowry by male and they believe that without money females cannot be grownup. Girls will bear with economic crises and a bad luck for their generation • Violence against married women: Women in cultures and societies that priorities sons have to bear the consequences of giving birth to an unwanted girl child. The consequences can include violence, abandonment, divorce or even death.

 Prevention for female infanticides

 ✓ The female infanticide prevention act, 1870 and act VIII of 1870 was a legislative act passed in British India to prevent murder of female infants.

 ✓ Beti bachao beti padhao (22nd January,2015) 

✓ Sukanya samriddhi yojana (22nd January,2015) 

✓ Balika samridhi yojana (1997)

2. Gender gap

Gap between men and women and men in terms of their level of participant, access, rights, remuneration and benefits in the society or a region. It is the difference between the men and women are treated in society. Women are considered to be a burden by many families and are not provided with the same rights men enjoy in society. This is made worse with social menaces such as the dowry system, child labour, child marriage etc. Causes of gender inequality in society

 ❖ Uneven access to education- In the society women still have less access to education than men. When girls are not educated as the level of boys, which create a huge effect on their life and future. 

❖ Lack of religious freedom

 ❖ Societal mindsets- Gender inequality also determined by societal thinking, which kind of thinking a society have and how society determines the differences and value of men vs women plays a starring role in every area.

 ❖ Racism 

❖ Lack of bodily autonomy 

❖ Lack of legal protection etc. 

Prevent gender-based violence and inequality Educate yourself on the root cause of violence- education provide skills knowledge and information which enhance the dignity of common people along with women in the society. Interrupt sexist and discriminatory language- change the way you speak to help change the way you think because in this society words are more powerful to influenced people. In this society words are used to put girls and women down and inferior, it become easier to treat them with violence and disrespect. Stop sexual harassment- Raise the voice against misbehaviour by the society. There is no need to tolerate them. Stop victim blaming- Do not judge a girl on the basis of their cloths and behaviour. Stop stereotyping men’s and women’s roles Be supportive and believe Understand and concern for the female. 


When a person does not his duty honestly and with morality, we call that person corrupts and this process is known as corruption. For example, in some institutes, there is no more seats left for those who didn’t give corruption. poor people always were ignored but the rich one was treated as good as they can pay. peoples in an institute for admission.

 Consequences of corruption

 > Loss of national wealth o Backwardness

 > Rise in terrorism and crimes

 > Rise in suicide cases 

 > Psychological and social disorders 

The steps to reduce corruption

 ▪ Value based approaches

 ▪ Compliances based approaches

 ▪ Risk management approaches ▪

 Awareness and participation-based approaches 

 ▪ Promoting transparency etc.

4. Poverty                                                                    

Poverty means lack of facility, food and shelter, where people and communities cannot meet a minimum standard of living because they lack the proper resources. People and family who live in poverty may go without proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention. Poverty is a socioeconomic condition that is the result of multiple factors- not just income. These factors include racism, sexual identity, sexual orientation and access to education among others.                                                                                                    
Root cause of poverty                                                                                                
✓ Lack of good job/ job growth (unemployment)                                            
✓ Lack of good education                                                                                 
✓ Social injustice                                                                                                  
 ✓ Lack of food and water                                                                                        
 ✓ Lack of infrastructure etc.                                                                                   
 Step to reduce poverty                                                                                               
 from the society 442211 o Improve the training of farmers o Establish gender equality o Make education priority o Involve all sectors of the government in the developing country o Keep the national market open to trade etc.


a major problem of society Rape was always a social problem. Sexual act performed without consent, the violence of one person by another. Rape is an angry and violent expression of the rapist’s desire to dominate someone else. Rape is a type of sexu
al assault involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. It could be physical force, abuse of authority and against a person’s demand.           Causes of rape in society                                                                                                
        ➢ Lack of sex education in the school                                                                                           ➢ Acceptance of domestic brutality                                                                                                               ➢ Psychological rational                                                                                                          ➢ Lethargic court system                                                                                          
➢ Marriage being a solution                                                                                
  ➢ Lacking self defence                                                                                        

Prevention for rape                                                                            

        ➢ Teach children to respect other and to treat other people the way they would like to be treated.
        ➢ Teach teens about consent. make sure teens understand that any sexual contact or activity need to be agreed to by both people freely, willingly, and clearly
.          ➢ Teach girls self-defence like karate, kick boxing and make them physically strong.                                                 


                   STUDENT OF ECONOMICS   

